Welcome to

Madonna Queen of the Universe Shrine

Founded by the Don Orione Fathers in 1954 and today is the headquarters for the Don Orione order in the United States. It overlooks the city from the northeast and features spectacular views of Boston Harbor and the sprawling runways of Logan Airport to the south.

Hispanic Community

Nuestra comunidad te da la bienvenida. Entra aquí para conocer nuestras actividades, misas y horarios.

Brazilian Community

A nossa comunidade te dá as boas-vindas. Entra aqui para conhecer as nossas atividades, missas e horários.

American Community

Our community welcomes you. Enter here to learn about our activities, masses, and service hours.

About us

Charity is at the core of our charisma.

The founder of the Don Orione Fathers, St. Louis Orione (1872-1940), was a devout Italian priest who committed himself to helping orphans, the poor, the sick and the elderly regardless of their ethnicity.

Charity works
Our Causes

Make your move


Please consider making a donation to help us maintain our Shrine and to make improvements. All your donations, no matter the amount, will be greatly appreciated.

Regarding generosity, St. Pauls has this to teach us: “Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Divino Niño

“Charity, and only charity, will save the world.” We address the local needs of our community, supporting those in need in our vicinity to the extent that we can, especially when it comes to funeral and housing expenses.

Proyecto Solidario

We address the congregation’s needs at the mission level. According to the direction from Rome, we support global projects. Currently, we are supporting education and training projects in the Philippines and Kenya.

Pastoral de Rua

The “pastoral de rua” compassionately extends its care to those experiencing hunger and deprivation, offering sustenance and nourishment to individuals who find themselves without shelter, thereby addressing their most fundamental needs.


Our Events & News

we actively promote that you participate and get involved to enjoyed
Oracion de Sanacion por los Enfermos

Oracion de Sanacion por los Enfermos

La Hora Santa es un tiempo dedicado a la adoración, la oración y la reflexión, y en esta ocasión, nos enfocaremos especialmente en pedir por…

Breve Biografia de São Luís Orione

Breve Biografia de São Luís Orione

Luis Orione nasceu em Pontecurone, diocese de Tortona, em 23 de junho de 1872. Aos 13 anos, foi aceito no convento franciscano de Voghera (Pavia),…

Brief Biography of St Louis Orione

Brief Biography of St Louis Orione

Luis Orione was born in Pontecurone, diocese of Tortona, on June 23, 1872. At the age of 13, he was accepted into the Franciscan convent…