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The Sons of Divine Providence.

The Sons of Divine Providence is a Roman Catholic religious congregation founded in Italy in 1893 by St. Luigi Orione.

The Congregation takes its inspiration from its founder whose motto was: “Instaurare omnia in Christo” (to restore everything in Christ). Saint Luigi Orione is remembered for his commitment to social justice and service of those in need, through the “Do good to all; harm no one”, a service guided and inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church. Don Orione began his work with orphans and street children in the city of Tortona in north-west Italy while he was still a Tortona in north-west Italy while he was still a student. He was a man of enormous energy and enterprise and by the time of his death in 1940 Don Orione and his followers had established services for the care of elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people. Today nearly a thousand priests and brothers of the Congregation are working in thirty two countries around the world providing services in the charisma of our Founder: St. Luigi Orione



The imposing building with a mesmerizing view of Logan Airport and the City of Boston, deserves a place among the most remarkable landmarks in the City of Boston.

The Madonna Queen of the Universe shrine was founded by the Don Orione Fathers in 1954 and today is the headquarters for the Don Orione order in the United States. It overlooks the city from the northeast, and features spectacular views of Boston Harbor and the sprawling runways of Logan Airport to the south.

The immense gray granite block structure and its gold crown-like top are visual distinctions in East Boston. The 35-foot-tall bronze and copper statue of the Blessed Mother was created by Italian-Jewish sculptor Arrigo Minerbi, who escaped persecution during the 1940 invasion of Italy by German Nazi forces in part due to the refuge provided him by the Don Orione Institution in Rome.

The original Madonna statue, also 35 feet tall, was created by Minerbi and erected on the hill of Montemario, overlooking Rome. A replica of the six-ton masterpiece was later made and shipped to the Don Orione Fathers in East Boston in three pieces. It was reconstructed in the city and dedicated as “The Madonna Queen of the Universe” by then-Archbishop Richard Cushing in 1954.

The statue was originally erected over the Don Orione Nursing Home at Orient Heights; it was later moved to its current location in the spacious plaza across the street. In the 1980s, the construction of a modern four-story underground shrine was completed below the plaza.

The founder of the Don Orione Fathers, St. Louis Orione (1872-1940), was a devout Italian priest who committed himself to helping orphans, the poor, the sick and the elderly regardless of their ethnicity.

The Tree of Life

A life's mark is left where the sap of spiritual nourishment flows. The trees remember the people who have selfless contributed to the construction and upkeep of the sanctuary.

The Nativity

The live nativity scene recreates the day of the birth of our Lord, giving movement and sound to each piece and bringing joy to its audience.

The Relics

St. Luigi Orione, St. Pious X (Pope), St. Joseph Benedict Cottalango, Holy Cross, St. Paul VI (Pope), St. Paul VI (Pope), St. Father Pio.


St. Luigi Orione

The Madonna Queen of the Universe National Shrine is under the care of the Don Orione Fathers (Sons of Divine Providence), a Catholic Religious Congregation founded by Saint Luigi Orione. Born into a humble family in Pontecurone, Italy, on June 23, 1872, on the eve of the feast day of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, he was named after Saint Aloysius Gonzaga and Saint John the Baptist. Despite facing health challenges during his early years, Luigi Orione was drawn to the priesthood and attended the Valdocco Oratory in Turin, where he caught the attention of St. John Bosco himself.

Remarkably, his ailments were miraculously cured at the moment of Don Bosco’s death in 1888. Inspired by the teachings and mission of St. John Bosco, he opened an oratory to educate underprivileged boys at just 20 years old and later established a boarding school for the poor. He was ordained a priest on April 13, 1895.

Over the years, his dedication to helping the less fortunate led to the founding of schools, farming colonies, and various charitable organizations, with a particular focus on orphans and the destitute. Don Orione’s work expanded to the Americas and other parts of the world. 

Today, the charitable organizations initiated by Saint Luigi Orione continue to make a significant impact worldwide, including in the United States, where the national shrine and headquarters of the Sons of Divine Providence are situated on a prominent hill in East Boston. Saint Luigi Orione, pray for us!


Don Orione received official recognition from the bishop for his religious congregation, the Sons of Divine Providence, which he had been forming since 1899


He established the Shrine of the Madonna della Guardia in Tortona, Italy, which remains a central place of worship for the Orionine order. His profound commitment to serving the poor continued until his passing

March 12, 1940

His incorrupt remains rest in the crypt of the Shrine of La Madonna della Guardia, and he was officially canonized as a saint by Pope John Paul II on May 16, 2004.